Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday Morning Pop Quiz:-)

Here is your Tuesday Morning POP Quiz! Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. Ask these questions anytime of the day. You can even refer to some of the previous Pop Quiz Questions on our classroom blog at http://downonthefarmpop.blogspot.com 
1.            What is the name of the longest river in Egypt? The Nile River is the longest river in Egypt.
2.            On which continent is Egypt located? Egypt is located on the continent of Africa.
3.            What are the three jobs of the Pharaoh?  He was the ruler, the judge, and the commander of the chariot armies.
4.            What is the name of the largest pyramid in Ancient Egypt? The Great Pyramid of Gyza.
5.            Why were Ancient Egypt Pyramids built?Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for Pharaohs and their families.
6.            What is the fourth commandment? Honor your father and mother.
7.            Why did God send Jesus? To save us from our sins so we can live with Him eternally in Heaven.
That’s it for now! Have a Terrific Tuesday the Lord!
In Christ,
Mrs. Snyder

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Morning Pop Quiz:-)

Here is your Friday Morning POP Quiz! Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. Ask these questions anytime of the day.:-)

1.      What is the first commandment? You shall have no other Gods.
2.      What is the second commandment? You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
3.      What is the third commandment? Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy.
4.      What did you do to your plant yesterday?  I mowed it.
5.      Can you describe the rye grass ? The grass has tall green blades.
6.    Can you describe the alfalfa plant? The alfalfa plant has a short stem and green leaves.
7.    When we make a mistake, what does God want us to do?  He wants us to confess our sins to him, so we can be forgiven through Jesus Christ.AMEN:-)
That’s it for now! Have a Fantastic Friday the Lord!
In Christ,

Mrs. Snyder

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Morning Pop Quiz!

Here is your Thursday Morning POP Quiz! Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. Ask these questions anytime of the day:-)

1.      What is a “How to” Report?  A “How to” report is a report that lists the steps in order to make it easy for the reader to understand.
2.      What are some topics that could be written as  “How to” Report? How to make pizza. How to make lemonade. How to play chess.etc.
3.      What genre is the Little Red Hen? It is a folktale.
4.      What is a folktale? A folktale is a story that has been told for many years.
5.      How can you “retell” the story? I can retell the story by describing what happens in the order it happens.
6.      Can you “retell” the Little Red Hen? The Little Red Hen begins when Hen asks for help to plant some wheat. Dog, Pig,and Cat do not want to help, so Little Red Hen does it herself. The friends don’t want to help water the wheat either. In the end all the friends want to help the Little Red Hen eat the bread.  The Little Red Hen says no and eats it herself.
7.      Who is the only perfect person who walked this earth? JESUS:-)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday Morning Pop Quiz

Here is your Wednesday Morning POP Quiz! Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. J

1.      How do you say “God is Good All the Time” in Spanish? Dios es  bueno todo el tiempo J
2.      How do the roots help a plant?  “The roots, the roots, the roots grow in the ground; the roots take in the water and holds the plant down.”
3.      How does the stem help a plant? “The stem, the stem, the stem holds up the plant or tree; it moves all the water from the roots to its leaves.”
4.      How do the leaves help the plant? “The leaves, the leaves, the leaves need the sun; it captures it and uses it to make its food; were done!” (Photosynthesis)J
5.      Where do plants get its nutrients? Plants gets its nutrients from the soil.
6.      How do you spell Jesus? “J-e-s-u-s Jesus is the best!

That’s it for now! Have a Wonderful Wednesday in the Lord!
In Christ,


Here is your Tuesday Morning POP Quiz! Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. Ask these questions anytime of the day. :-)

1.      What is the definition of responsibility? A responsibility is something you are expected to do.
2.      How syllables are in the word responsibility? 6 syllables
3.      What are some of your responsibilities? Some of my responsibilities are doing my homework, cleaning my room, washing the dishes, etc.
4.      Has your rye grass and alfalfa plant changed from last week? Yes!
5.      How? It has growth! It has tall blades of green grass and short green sprouts.
6.      What are the five things plants need to grow? water, air, nutrients, space, and light.
7.      What did God provide for His people in the wilderness when they were hungry? Manna and quail.
8.      Does God take care of His people? Yes! He takes care of usJ
That’s it for now! Have a Terrifc Tuesday in the Lord!

In Christ,

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday Morning Pop Quiz

Here is your Thursday Morning POP Quiz! Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. Ask these questions anytime of the day:-)

1.      What is a report? A report is a type of writing that gives information about a topic.
2.      Did you write a report together in class? Yes.
3.      What topic did you write about? The topic we wrote about was Animal families do a lot for each other.
4.      What do animal families do for each other? They help each other, they play with each other, and they care for each other.
5.      How did the Israelites cross the Red Sea? By God’s almighty power. As God is the one true God, He parted the Red Sea for His people, so they could be saved by walking across dry land. God always takes care of His people. God always takes care of usJ
6.      What did you do doing during Centers On the Farm? I planted rye grass and alfalfa seeds, played sight word bingo, rolled dice to make a two digit number, wrote in my Farm Journal, played the word families spin game, and  picked a noun and a verb and used them to write a complete sentence.
That’s it for now!
Have a Thrilling Thursday in the Lord!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A.P.P.L.E Time (Always pray and praise the Lord everyday!)

In first grade we wanted to give you a heads-up about the material we will be covering this week in Bible ( Apple Time:-).  Some of the content in the Bible can be intense for children and adults alike. This week we will be covering a story that can be hard for children to comprehend at first, but in the end they will realize its  amazing message.  We will be looking at the story of the Passover.  The wonderful  thing to remember is that Jesus came into this broken world, a world where Pharaoh's heart was hardened and death and pain occur, and through Him we have all received forgiveness and eternal life.  For a quick review, here are the basics of the story of the Passover.

1.  Moses was a man, chosen by God, to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.  He was sinful and made mistakes just like us, but God still used him and will use us as well!
2.  The Israelites were serving Pharaoh whose heart was "hardened."
3.  Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go so God sent 10 plagues to greatly affect Egypt, the Egyptians, and Pharaoh.  The purpose of the plagues was so all would know that God is the only God and that his power is unmatchable in any other god or any human.  Through all of these, Pharaoh's heart remained hardened.
4.  The 10th plague was the Passover.  The Israelites were commanded to kill a flawless lamb, spread blood over the outside door frame, and prepare the meat to eat.  That night, the Lord sent an angel to the land.  The angel went from house to house.  If there was blood on the door frame, the angel would pass over the house but when it came to a house without blood (Egyptian house) the angel would take the life of the oldest son.  This included Pharaoh's oldest son.  The end all result was that God revealed he is also the God of life and death.    Pharaoh let the Lord's people leave Egypt after this 10th and final plague.
5.  God had and still has, an intense love for His people and he desires that his people remain in him and his love forever.  For this reason, he saved not only his Israelite children, but all of us through the death and resurrection of his only Son.

God is an amazing God and he reveals himself to us through the LIVING, holy Bible.  Thank you God for your mercy, grace and, forgiveness through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Good Morning Team!
Here is your Tuesday Morning POP Quiz. Have fun asking your child these questions. The morning POP quiz is simply a tool for you to interact with your child while finding out what he/she is learning in class. Ask these questions anytime of the day. 

1.      What does provide mean? Provide means to give someone what they need.
2.      What sentence did you write using the word “provide”? Guide your child by using following the sentence frame:   My parents provide ________________for me to ____________. Ex: My parents provide food and water for me to survive.
3.      Can you show me your sentence using a sentence gesture? Your child should have fun doing this for youJ
4.      What is the 3rd Commandment? Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
5.      What does Sabbath mean? a day of rest and worship

That’s it for now! Have a terrific Tuesday in the Lord!
In Christ,

Mrs. Snyder